Why Choose Kloof Pre-Primary?
Your child is able to have 4 to 5 years at KPP, from 12 months old up to Grade R. This gives our leaners a unique confidence and stability in familiar surroundings, without disruption from the Playgroup to Pre-Primary phase.
The Playgroup (Jelly Tots and Jelly Beans) who are 12 months to 3 years old, have completely separate classrooms and playground. This keeps them feeling safe and not overwhelmed by the older children, and also allows them the space to settle in a smaller and more age appropriate environment.
The Pre-Primary playground is vast, and a beautiful haven for any child. We have many different play areas with a large variety of stimulating equipment.
Our Pre-Primary teachers, from Grade RRR to Grade R, all have a 4 year teaching degree or diploma and are registered with the South African Council of Educators (SACE). Our teachers in the Playgroup have a minimum qualification of NQF level 5 in ECD and also are SACE registered.
Our children at KPP are extremely fortunate to all have an intern or assistant in every class, which allows the teacher more individual time working with small groups of children.