Spring Day 2013
On Friday 06 September, Kloof Pre-Primary celebrated the Spring.
The children came dressed in flowered hats, and some of the creative ideas were amazing. We had a brief “assembly” with the children gathered together in the school courtyard, and a prayer of thanksgiving for the Spring.
Then the children paraded their hats, and proceeded down to the garden with plants they had bought to plant. (the plants were obtained from S.P.C.A. because the school likes to support S.P.C.A. They are indigenous plants so that we can reinforce the concept of planting indigenous and caring for Nature.
Next we opened our new beautiful Sensory (“fairy”) garden. Bobby Collingwood from Greenman Nursery opened the garden. (he is an ex pupil of this school, and he asked David Cochrane Murray, grandchild of a friend and colleague of his, whose aunt taught him at the school to help him.)
After that, the children and parents were treated to novelty races and competitions, and everyone enjoyed a picnic in the school garden.
Altogether, it was a lovely occasion, enjoyed by parents, staff and children.