
Our aftercare is a home away from home where our teachers and assistants provide a safe and loving environment for every child in their care. Our focus is on play, while still ensuring that routines are followed and planned activities are also provided. The children have a busy and fun day with a variety of indoor and outdoor activities, including art, singing and games. The beautiful playground is available with various equipment to stimulate their growing bodies and minds.

Our KPP aftercare is supervised by Casey Sim, and our other  teacher is Emily Steytler  who does the Playgroup children. We also have four assistants available to help the teachers throughout the day.

The Playgroup children, from 12 months to 3 years old, stay in their own dedicated area until late in the afternoon when the numbers of children are more diminished. This ensures that activities and equipment are more suitable to their age group and it also helps them feel more secure in their own  familiar surroundings.

Children in the Playgroup and in Grade RRR may have a sleep after lunch and each have their own mattress and blanket. At lunch time children may bring a second lunchbox to school, which is put in the lunch basket at the front reception when they arrive in the morning.


12:00 – Jellies and GR RRR Groups arrive for lunch on veranda. Outside playtime.

12:30 – Children that sleep go to the toilet if needed and go to bed. Non sleepers can have a lie down or play outside.

14:00 – Wake up children, check/take off sleep nappies, toilet, pack away beds.

14:00 – Activity on the veranda/Inside (art/craft/games/painting/sport/music

14:50 – Wee and wash nappies.

15:00 – Afternoon snack on Cycle Track. (groups join)

15:30-16:00 – Story Time on Cycle Track/inside. (Thembi and Brenda leave)

15:45/16:00 – Wee and wash/nappies, come inside. Inside play and activities

17:00 – Home Time



Casey Sim



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